About Company
Best Transport, Crane, Light & Heavy Vehicle Company
Khan Enterprises, was established in the year 2000 as Inland Transport Company for Light & heavy vehicles and a Crane Rental Company. With the passage of time, it has established itself as one of the leading and trusted transport concerns & oil field rental equipment in Pakistan.
Our commitment to you as a customer
We provide you a team of experienced logistics specialists who will ensure your cargo is moving expediently, safely, and with full visibility to you
Transport, Crane & Other Equipment Rental/Sale Services
Khan Enterprises is Pakistan’s Leading Transportation and Crane Rental Company, Providing the following services Inland Transportation and Crane Rental Services Rig Moves Services Generator/Compressor Rental Services Rental a Car/Vigo services and OilField Rental Equipment (Frac Tanks, High Pressure Pumps, Nitrogen Pumpers C-Pumps, etc)
Our Services
Reliable & Professional
Rental/Sale services
Storage & Frac Tanks Sale & rental Services
Under the strict supervision of our experienced professionals, we are offering an innovative collection of Acid Storage Tanks that are
Our Transport & Crane Rental Services
Khan Enterprises is Pakistan’s Leading Transportation and Crane Rental Company,Providing the following services Inland Transportation and CraneRental Services Rig Moves